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 #  Source ID   Title, Author   Tree 
401 S132 Marriages 1877 - 1949.
Church of Saint Giles (Horni Slatina, Jihocesky, Czechia) 
Soukup Family 
402 S390 Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988
Loomis Family 
403 S105 Memorial of the Thayer name, from the Massachusetts Colony of Weymouth and Braintree, Embracing Geneological and Biographical Sketchs of Richard & Thomas Thayer, and Their Descendents, From 1636 to 1874
Bezaleel Thayer 
Loomis Family 
404 S328 Memorials of Elder John White, One of The First Settlers of Hartford, Conn., and of His Descendents
Allyn S. Kellogg 
Loomis Family 
405 S176 Mikrofilmrollen K 1701 - K 2008, S 17363 - S 17383, 13116 - 13183. Online images.
Loomis Family 
406 S333 Military, Compiled Service Records. Revolutionary War. Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War, compiled 1894 - ca. 1912, documenting the period 1775 - 1784. 93. Digital images.
Loomis Family 
407 S349 Momumental inscriptions
Old Commons Burial Ground (Little Compton, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America) 
Loomis Family 
408 S216 Nebraska and Kansas Settlers from 1891 - 1895
Margie Sobotka 
Soukup Family 
409 S71 Nebraska, U.S., Select Marriage Records, 1855-1908. Digital images.
Soukup Family 
410 S118 New England Marriages Prior to 1700
Clarence Torry 
Loomis Family 
411 S269 New York Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts, 1861-1900. Digital images.
New York. 
Loomis Family 
412 S33 Newspaper: Unknown title
Loomis Family 
413 S50 Newspaper: Unknown title
Loomis Family 
414 S35 Newspaper: Utica Daily Press
Loomis Family 
415 S503 Oklahoma, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1890-1995. Digital images.
Soukup Family 
416 S301 Online images.
Loomis Family 
417 S125 Parish Records.
Catholic Diocese (Lincoln, Nebraska, United States) 
Soukup Family 
418 S341 Parish Registers.
Church of St. Lawrence (Klobuky, Central Bohemia, Bohemia) 
Soukup Family 
419 S296 Parish Registers.
Church of the Holy Trinity (Kolec, Central Bohemia, Czech Republic) 
Soukup Family 
420 S283 Passenger arrival lists (ship). Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2004; Record Group Number: 85. Online images.
Soukup Family 
421 S64 Passengers on the "Lion" From England to Boston, 1632, and five generations of their descendants
Sandra Sutphin Olney 
Loomis Family 
422 S206 Personal knowledge of Anton Soukup, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE]\.
Soukup Family 
423 S374 Personal knowledge of Linda Soukup.
Loomis Family 
424 S213 population schedule
Nebraska, County of Butler 
Soukup Family 
425 S265 Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle
Thomas M. Tryniski 
Loomis Family 
426 S12 Privately held by Linda Soukup . 2019.
Loomis Family 
427 S227 Privately held by Linda Soukup, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Purcellville, Virginia. 2015.
Soukup, Linda 
Loomis Family 
428 S515 Pulaski County, Arkansas Marriages 1838-1999. Digital images.
Arkansas. Pulaski. 
Soukup Family 
429 S141 Read Genealogies Of the Brothers and Sisters and Families and Descendents OF ISRAEL REED, ABNER READ, JOHN READ, POLL READ (Hetherington), WILLIAM READ, WOLCOTT READ, LEWIS READ, NATHANIEL READ
Henry Martin Dodd A.B., A.M. 
Loomis Family 
430 S5 Read Genealogies, of the Brothers and Sisters and Families and Descendents
Henry Martyn Dodd 
Loomis Family 
431 S76 Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York Marriages From 11 December, 1639 to 26 August, 1801
Samuel S. Purple M.D., editor 
Loomis Family 
432 S211 Records relating to passenger arrivals. Record Group Title: Records of the U.S. Customs Service, 1745-1997; Record Group Number : 36. Online images.
Loomis Family 
433 S211 Records relating to passenger arrivals. Record Group Title: Records of the U.S. Customs Service, 1745-1997; Record Group Number : 36. Online images.
Soukup Family 
434 S310 Records relating to passenger arrivals. Records of the U.S. Customs Service, 1745-1997; Record Group Number : 36. Online images.
Soukup Family 
435 S364 Reynolds Family Association Centennial Collection
Susan Rogers Clement, editor 
Loomis Family 
436 S128 Richard Warren of the Mayflower and Some of his Descendents
Mrs. Washington A. Roebling 
Loomis Family 
437 S309 Saunders County Nebraskam Saunders County History, 1873
Saunders County Historical Society, editor 
Soukup Family 
438 S497 Severin Families 1776 - 2000
Henrietta Novy 
Soukup Family 
439 S161 Social Security Death Index
Loomis Family 
440 S65 Some Early Records and Documents of and Relating to the Town of Winsor Connecticut 1639-1703
Connecticut Historical Society, editor 
Loomis Family 
441 S353 St. Lawrence, New York, United States Records. St. Lawrence County Clerk
New York. St. Lawrence. DeKalb. 
Loomis Family 
442 S156 State Death Index. ancestry.com
New York. New York State Archives. Ancestry 
Loomis Family 
443 S538 State Marriage Licenses. Familysearch.org
California. County Courthouse. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
Soukup Family 
444 S451 Tax List 1864-1962, Tax Book, History Nebraska, Lincoln
Dodge County, Nebraska, United States 
Soukup Family 
445 S394 Tax List 1869-1967, Tax Book, Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln
Saunders County, Nebraska, United States 
Soukup Family 
446 S62 The Children of Robert White of Messing, Co. Essex, England, Who Settled in Hartford and Windsor
A Descendent 
Loomis Family 
447 S133 The Damon family : listing some of the Ohio descendants of Amos Damon of Chesterfield, Mass. Ancestry.
Richard Van Deusen, editor 
Loomis Family 
448 S39 The Loomis Gang
George W. Walter 
Loomis Family 
449 S266 The McChesney Family of Rensselaer County, New York
Paul W. Prindle 
Loomis Family 
450 S317 The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record
Dr. Henry R. Stiles, editor 
Loomis Family 

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